Lepidolite Fusion Crystal Singing Bowls

Lepidolite Fusion Crystal Singing Bowls


Lepidolite is considered to be one of the ultimate love stones. It is said that it helps one to better love one's self and others. The fusion of Lepidolite and quartz crystal amplifies the love and soothing energy and the smooth vibrations send that love and soothing energy out to the world.

Lepidolite fusion is perfect to ease transition, building hope in honesty while reducing stress and depression. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. It is a stone of consciousness and serves to open the link to the Higher Self. Lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. Lepidolite is known as an excellent healer. Perfect to create balance between your heart and mind. Lepidolite has been called a "stone of transition" because it helps those who are going through life changes. It will assist you in evaluating and reorganizing old patterns and opening new pathways. 

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